Another way to score big on free stems is to stay current on websites that offer remix contests. Some will even keep the stems available for free after the contest has ended. Here are a few websites to keep your eye on. MetaPop; Kreasound; MixingHub; EDMCollab; Go grab some stems and put your own twist on the next. Create and save complete multi-track music projects on your Windows Phone, Tablet or PC. Record, sequence, edit, mix and render complete songs. WANT TO TRY BEFORE YOU BUY? Install FL STUDIO 20 for macOS / Windows and you can use the FL Studio Mobile Plugin. This is identical to the App, as a plugin inside FL Studio. FL Studio Soundpacks is a great resource for Beat Makers and Musicians. Our Sound Packs and Hip Hop Loops are some of the best production tools on the internet and at a great value.